【VedicHealersフリーセミナー4月12日】Stress control:ストレスとの上手な付き合い方

Vedic Healers主催の【オンラインフリーセミナー(2021Part.2)4月12日】のご案内です。
今回のテーマは『Stress control ストレスとの上手な付き合い方』です。
Aum….. Welcome to world of wellness by Vedic Healers Ayurved Institute
Date &Time8th Mar 2021(Mon)
Start:10:30 Indian Time40min(+20min extend time)
(2021Part.3)5月10日(月) 10th May にも同じ時間で開催予定
セミナーはZOOMを使用しZOOM IDとパスワードは下記を予定しています。
Meeting ID: 928 230 9984
Passcode: vedic
《4月12 日(月)セミナーの主な内容》
『Stress control ストレスとの上手な付き合い方』です。
Details – 60 min online seminar. These seminars are free to join to support our Japanese NGO AMDA international Indian chapter AMDA-INDIA.
We plan to do atleast one or two seminars every month. We are open for donation to our cause. https://www.amda-india.com/contact …
Whoever would like to know more about Ayurveda & Yoga please join us as it will be a great opportunity to learn. You can also send us questions or any topic you would like to know more.
Definition of stress – Any type of physical or mental pressure or a sudden demand or change which you feel difficult to cope with and making you unhappy and anxious is stress. Stress is part of life.
Two types of stress – Good stress bad stress. Good stress doesn’t stay for long. It gives excitement, motivation, improves results.
Bad stress is chronic stress which is harming.
Causes of stress – events, situations, circumstances, losing job, competition, aggression, communication failure, Death, divorce, addictions, fear.
How stress affect us – it causes headaches, bad mood, no interest in work, over sleeping, over eating, crying on simple things, high blood pressure, chest pain, low sex drive.
More Physical like some disease, illness, fatigue.
How to relieve stress in Ayurveda – self love, Good hobbies, healthy life style, good amount of sleep, taking timely help. Many activities like Jogging, aerobics, sport, new hobby will release happy hormones. Many people start finding new relationships, sleeping pills, tranquilizers, alcohol, which can be more harmful later.
Say no to drugs or alcohol. Change place or go for vacations. Understand situation and try to find solution if possible.
Prayers are very helpful. Deep breathing, mindful meditation, mantra, mudra these all are very helpful in extreme stress where there is no solution.
Massages, head massage, feet massage or shirodhara are good to calm down muscles and hormones. Aroma oils like sandalwood, chamomile, lavender are helpful.
Tulsi infusion, chamomile or lavender infusion is helpful and remove dehydration too.
Tulsi, ashwagndha, calmus, shankshpushpi, brahmi gotukola can be used under ayurvedic doctors supervision.
Long term side effects of stress
Emotional – depression. Anger, restlessness, no motivation or lack of interest. Fear, memory loss, wrong bad decisions.
Physical – Change in appetite. Increase alcohol or drug abuse. Behavior changes tapping with fingers, avoid eye contact, no interest in socializing, nail biting.
教えてくださる先生はインドでVedic Healers を主催されているDr.Meenakshiです。
Grade 2 クッキングクラス(約3分)
Free Seminar 感染症対策(13分40秒)
”English will be the language but I am sure I will be able to help you with japanese words and we can go slow. If Some of other japanese students join Then it will be more easy as I give time to discuss.”
ナマステ! 皆さまが心身ともに健やかであります事をお慶び申し上げます。わたしは長い間、毎年5月か9月には日本を訪れていました。 |
しかしながら、今年は困難な感染症拡大の為、訪問が叶いませんでした。 |
どうか、一緒に学び成長することを続けていこうではありませんか! |
わたしは日本語での補助も付けながら、重要なテーマについてのアーユルヴェーダクラスを始めます。 |
全ての授業はオンラインで受講可能で健康、人文科学、精神性などについて学びを深め成長して行く事が出来ます。 |
皆さまにオンラインのセミナーで直ぐにお会いできますことを楽しみにしております。 |
アユレ: ayure.me@gmail.com
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